My heart breaks in two, but also bursts with pride as I think of how many peoples hearts Jack has touched and won with his continued smiles, laughter, strength, courage, bravery and dignity, through his illness and it is that which has helped us make the hardest and most difficult decision we have ever had to make, yet we know it’s the right decision.
On Thursday 24th March 2011 we brought Jack home for the last time, to be in familiar surroundings.
As I write this I look upon Jack who is sleeping peacefully and comfortable at this moment in time and we hope that this continues, we have been told weeks, but as the hours go by this looks more like it will be days. Over the last couple of days we have seen small glimmers of Jack, for example at 6am this morning Craig (Jacks dad), myself (Jacks mum) and nanny were sat around him he said, “guess what?” “I love my nanny, and I love my dad and I love all my family and all my friends…..” and fell back to sleep.
Just yesterday morning when he had not said anything for hours or opened his eyes, he started singing “Glory Glory Man United, Glory glory………..” Well there wasn't a dry eye in the house and last night he came out with his all time classic, With clenched fist and a tiny smile he said “dya wanna piece of me?”
These moments are becoming fewer and will continue to do so into the next phase. They will be followed by a coma and then, well I don’t need to say……………………
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